Word Decoding - BBBX
BBBX stands for BBB Explained. These videos are designed to focus on a single area of learning that music learning can enhance. We want to help parents, students and staff to better understand the impacts of music learning on brain development, so feel free to share these short videos through your social media feeds and emails.
This video is a great advocacy tool for explaining how music learning can help students enhance Word Decoding. Word Decoding is the ability to connect letters with their sounds, identify pattens in words and pronounce words correctly.
Ahissar, M., Protopapas, A., Reid, M., & Merzenich, M. M. (2000). Auditory processing parallels reading abilities in adults. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97(12), 6832–6837.
Corrigall, K. A., & Trainor, L. J. (2011). Associations between length of music training and reading skills in children. Music perception, 29(2), 147-155.
Moreno, S., Friesen, D., & Bialystok, E. (2011). Effect of music training on promoting preliteracy skills: Preliminary causal evidence. Music perception, 29(2), 165-172.