Research Updates

Here at Bigger Better Brains we believe that through educating yourself, you can then educate and affect positive change in your community.
With all of the research in the field of neuromusical science, our BBB Research section serves as a content hub for you. We regularly share findings and break down the latest research to educate and inspire discussion. We hope you enjoy this page on our website and share BBB news with your colleagues, parents and students.
How Music Unites Us: The Heartbeat Connection
A recent study from Waseda University has uncovered that when individuals listen to music, their heart rates synchronize, reflecting a unified physiological response.
Top 7 questions asked by students
Founder of Bigger Better Brains, Dr Anita Collins, receives hundreds of emails from students around the world asking questions about neuromusical research. So she decided to record a short video about the most asked questions she has received.
How Music Primes the Brain for Learning
This article delves into the transformative impact of music education, particularly for underserved students, and a strategic tool for addressing academic challenges, boosting attendance, language skills, and social integration.
Musical tastes can predict personality traits and political leaning
Do you have similar musical tastes to your friends? How about your work colleagues? Do you think musical tastes tell us anything else about a person? This study thinks it might when it compared musical taste with political leaning.
Would you want to know your musical potential?
Here is one hell of a tricky question – if your musical potential, meaning your likelihood of being successful at learning music (whatever that really means) could be measured, would you want to know?
Challenge your brain with different music!
This study looks at how our brains engaged with familiar and unfamiliar music. Turns out our brains sustains engagement with music that is unfamiliar.
Active Music Learning Infographic
Does all music learning enhance brain development? This is an important question as we examine the research around the impact of music learning on the brain.
Music learning and literacy
“It’s about how we spend the money”. That was the catch cry of a number of politicians this week when the preliminary results from NAPLAN were released. Senator Birmingham was referring to the disappointing return on their investment in education. So Senator, what are we spending the money on?
Does music training improve a child’s maths and reading skills?
A great article from Dr Nina Kraus, one of the leading researchers in the neural encoding of speech and music.
Boost your child's reading skills in just 10 minutes a week
10 minutes of music learning a week for 10 weeks can improve reading skills for poor readers.
Producing the “ideal” student through music
“Stay on task, remember what you are doing and think creatively” says every teacher in some way to their students throughout the school test. While we might know what these learning behaviours look like from the outside, do we really know what is going on inside the students brains? And how on earth can learning music help?
Music learning can change the educational life for disadvantaged students
Music has been used as an intervention around the world to help students, and inevitably whole communities, who are living in challenging circumstances.